Saturday, August 31, 2019

Regeneration’ and Kesey’s Essay

      However, McMurphy was only able to defeat the nurse from what he learned when she defeated him in his bid to change the television schedule. ‘Cheswick shows his hand higher and glares around. Scanlon shakes his head, and then raises his hand, keeping his elbow on the arm of the chair. And nobody else. McMurphy can’t say a word. ‘ In this defeat, McMurphy learns that he must convince the patients of an idea before being faced with the nurse; otherwise, the patients become frightened of her and lose their nerve. Once again, McMurphy attempted to change the TV schedule, but failed again due to technicalities such as the vote of the chronic patients, and the fact that the meeting had ended before McMurphy was able to get the majority vote so the motion was not carried. This incident formed a bond between the patients against the hospital staff, and they had gained an important ally in Dr Spivey, an unwary double agent. However, In Regeneration the patients of Craiglockhart do not treat staff as if they were afraid of them. The doctors and nurses of Craiglockhart are less authoritative and are lenient with the rules of conduct. ‘One of the VAD’s tugged at it. â€Å"There’s room for two in there,† she said, smiling, coaxing. â€Å"Have I to get in with you? â€Å"‘. The patients treat doctors with respect and are friendly towards other patients, however at times the patients appear to fear treatment. ‘†There’s no area of analgesia,† Rivers said to Sister Rogers. Prior snatched up the pad. â€Å"IF THAT MEANS IT HURT YES IT DID†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. On the other hand, in ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ the patients treat nurse Ratched with minimal respect and some of the patients are very unprofessional in what they say and do to her and the other student nurses. It can be said that Craiglockhart is more civilised as a hospital, and nurse Ratched’s ward can be compared to a high school classroom where the patients are conspiring as to how they can defeat the nurse, similar to the way students may act together to outwit a teacher. Nurse Ratched constantly undermines her patients in front of one another to make them feel inadequate; almost emasculating them. ‘Right at your balls. No, that nurse aint some kinda monster chicken, buddy, what she is, is a ball-cutter. ‘ On the other hand, Rivers sees his patients as his equals and treats them with high regard, even though Rivers himself is more intelligent and qualified than almost all of the patients that he treats. Patients in Ratched’s ward also resent the ward itself and its confines, and wish they could escape the dreariness of it all. The irony of this is that most of the patients who complain are not committed and are only in the hospital voluntarily, so they could walk out of the door at a moment’s notice; however, the patients are unable to do this due to nurse Ratched making them feel inadequate and therefore unfit for society. When McMurphy discovers that it is the Nurse who decides how long a patient spends on the ward, he is beside himself with anger, directed mainly at the other acute patients for egging him along against the nurse, when all the while they knew that it would only get him committed for a longer period. Conversely, we are given the impression that all the patients at Craiglockhart are committed, however they all have the freedom to roam most of the institution and the outdoor facilities such as the golf course ‘Prior watched the amber lights winking in his beer. He was sitting in the shadowy corner of a pub in some sleazy district of Edinburgh. ‘ The patients are allowed to leave the hospital premises and are trusted to be responsible enough to return. In ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’, patients are not even allowed to leave the premises without an accompanied pass. This is needed in order for McMurphy to take a group of the patients and Dr Spivey, one of the resident doctors of the hospital, on a fishing trip later in the novel. The fishing trip was organised by McMurphy for a number of reasons that could only possibly be contrived by a person of sound mind. The first of these reasons is to deliver a blow to the nurse’s control over the patients and to show them that they are in fact free to do what they wish. His other incentives were money, which he acquired from the remainder of the funds from patients used hire the boat, and also the chance to spend some time alone with a woman who would be accompanying the men on the boat, something that we can presume McMurphy has not been able to do for a while now. During the fishing trip, we are able to see the effect of nurse Ratched’s enfeeblement of the patients when they enter the garage to buy fuel. The mechanics at the garage are taken aback by the sight of patients from a psychiatric institution, and the awkward exchanges between the doctor and the mechanics only make things worse. It is at this moment when McMurphy comes to the rescue of the patients and confronts the workers at the garage. ‘we’re every bloody one of us hot of the criminal-insane ward, on our way to San Quentin where they got better facilities to handle us. ‘ McMurphy lies and uses bravado to frighten the mechanics and empower the patients, who no longer feel as if they are the laughing stock of town and begin to order the workers around. This is an example of how mental illness is perceived in society at the time the book was set, and how the patients were able to overcome its stigma, if only for a short period. Their personal triumph was over once the patients had reached the fishing port and were confronted by sailors who took the opportunity to make suggestive jokes about the patients’ female companion, as they stood there helplessly, unable to defend her without the presence of McMurphy. In ‘Regeneration’, the reader encounters a similar stigma attached to mental illness. One particular case involves the character Prior, who is questioned about why he was not wearing his blue hospital badge. Prior retorts to Rivers’ question, stating that ‘I wasn’t wearing the badge because I was looking for a girl. Which – as you may or may not know – is not made easier by going around with a badge stuck on your chest saying I AM A LOONY. ‘ Prior assumes, perhaps from experience, that wearing his hospital badge would be a deterrent for women as nobody seems to jump at the opportunity to be involved with a mentally ill person. Another incident in involving the badge occurred with Sassoon when he went to the Conservative Club to meet Rivers. ‘looking at the young man in uniform evoked, and then – or perhaps he was being oversensitive? – with a slight ambivalence, a growing doubt, as they worked out what the blue badge on his tunic meant. ‘ Once again, the reader is presented with a situation in which people change their opinions when faced with an ‘outcast’ from society, someone who is irrational and is therefore supposed to be unacceptable to the general public. Near the end of ‘Regeneration’ Barker introduces another psychiatrist called Dr Lewis Yealland. He is similar to Rivers in that Yealland is also highly respected and acclaimed on his work; however, the underlying difference between the two characters is in the way they treat their patients. Where Rivers would tend towards having a conversation with the patient to solve the problem, Yealland prefers to cast a dominating presence to the patient, neglecting their views and suggestions. ‘†No†, Yealland said. â€Å"The time for more electrical treatment has not yet come; if it had I should give it to you. Suggestions are not wanted from you, they are not needed. â€Å"‘ Yealland does not allow patients to express themselves as he feels that any self-diagnosis by a patient is a threat to his judgement, and this is intolerable in his treatment. Yealland can be compared to nurse Ratched, in that both the characters require dominance in a situation and superiority over those under their jurisdiction. Another difference between Rivers and Yealland would be that Rivers, as mentioned before, endeavours to resolve the problem that the patient is suffering from, thus curing the patient of his illness, whereas Yealland merely addresses the symptom arising from the illness and treats the patient to rid them of this. He eradicates the symptom, while this is only the tip of the figurative iceberg, and neglects the patient’s psychological problem, which caused the symptom in the first place. In the novel, Yealland serves a larger purpose as a metaphor for the control that the government exerts over citizens, indifferent towards the voices of individuals, for example, the voice of Siegfried Sassoon, which was ignored and discredited by the government in the same way Yealland ignores and discredits his patients’ views. Yealland provides the reader with a clear, yet cleverly concealed allegorical view of the novel where the same concept is repeated for a greater effect on the reader’s opinion of both the presentation of mental illness and the way it is treated, and also the government’s approach to dealing with soldiers who cry out against the unjustness of war. Nearer the end of ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest’, McMurphy throws a party one night for his farewell as he plans to break out of the ward and make his escape that night. The party is not sanctioned by the nurse who has no idea of its taking place, so McMurphy knows that he must leave otherwise he will be punished severely for his actions. On the night of the party McMurphy organises for a girl to come onto the ward and make love to Billy Bibbit, making him lose his virginity. McMurphy’s plan of escape fails and the nurse returns in the morning to find the atrocities that have taken place on her ward. She confronts Billy Bibbit about his actions, and he seems confident, however once the nurse threatens to informs Billy’s mother of his wrong doing Billy breaks down and pleads with her not to do so. ‘†Nuh! Nuh! † His mouth was working. He shook his head, begging her. â€Å"You d-don’t n-n-need! â€Å"‘ Billy is so disturbed by the prospect of his mother finding out about his actions, that he takes his own life shortly after the nurse confirms that she will inform his mother. After this event, the ward changes dramatically. Patients who were not committed begin to leave; Sefelt, Frederickson, even Harding. McMurphy was taken away for a lobotomy, which succeeded in calming him down, but it did so to the point where he would not fit the description of a mentally ill patient, but more of a breathing corpse. The Chief cannot stand to look at this change in McMurphy so he resorts to suffocating him in order to put out his suffering once and for all. On doing so, the Chief escapes the ward by picking up the control panel in the tub room and throwing it through the window. This mirrors the event where McMurphy attempted to lift the control panel, the difference being that the Chief succeeded where McMurphy failed by learning from him. This event is a representation of the book as a whole, where one man’s titanic struggle and failure managed to stimulate another man’s will to live, and as one circle of life draws to a close, a new one begins. Emile Khan – 1 – Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Ken Kesey section.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Jackal Reaction Paper

In â€Å"Moral Mazes†, Robert Jackal explores the elements of bureaucracy and its influencing prevailing form in the American work environment in the different organizational levels of hierarchy. Upon reading this businesses best seller, I was very skeptical about Jackal’s research and ideas. Jackal’s study, scrutinizing only a handful of large and mid-sized companies, gave me the impression of lack of breadth. However, the meticulous and depth of the study of each of these organizations truly gave me a great sense of credulousness.Although I believe that not all the companies behave the way Jackal portrays his selected companies, they do illustrate common aspects that I can observe in real corporations and in my own work place. This reaction paper will explore specific areas of â€Å"Moral Mazes† that illustrate organizational culture in American businesses and how bureaucratic organizational structure maps out moral consciousness that relate directly to my personal and professional life. These specific areas of discussion include: inner circles and connections; decentralization and accountability; team player versus self-promotion; and finally, image and public illusion.Jackall introduces Max Weber’s description of the Protestant ethic as to the set of beliefs and binding social rules that guide the methodical, rational subjection of human impulse and desire to God’s will through â€Å"restless, continuous, systematic work in a worldly calling† (Jackall, 2010, p. 6). Furthermore, Jackall presents Weber’s Prussian model of bureaucracy, which is objective, close to detail, standardized, impersonal and separates the offices from persons (Jackall, 2010, p. 10).I agree with Jackall that these two terms, Protestant ethic and the Prussian model of bureaucracy, are idealistic systems in which any kind organization would run efficiently and smoothly. The reason why I support these ideas is because I believe hard work, like the Protestant ethic preaches, can lead someone towards success. Moreover, with Weber’s Prussian model of bureaucracy, processes would be fair and objective. Unfortunately, I also believe that these are not the sole ingredients to succeed. Protestant ethics eventually lead people to accumulate wealth, which then sparked a domino effect towards bureaucracy.Jackall describes patrimonial bureaucracy, which was the organizational form of kings and princes, as personal loyalty being the norm, not loyalty to an office (Jackall, 2010, p. 11). However, modern American organizations are administrated as a hybrid between the pure form of bureaucracy and the patrimonial bureaucracy (Jackall, 2010, p. 11). This leads me into my first point of inner circles and connections. Even Jackall himself ironically channeled through bureaucratic elevators through the core of his study that was the basis of this book.Originally, Jackall was rejected by thirty six different corporations th at did not want to be ethically studied and gave suspicious excuses like they were going through â€Å"transitional phases† and that there were no tangible organizational benefits to be gained from a study of managerial ethics. Talking to the right people however, Jackall was â€Å"vouched for† and was able to penetrate several high ranked executives in the few companies that he meticulously studied as well as gained the trust of many managers that gave him great insight upon ethical issues within their organizations.Jackall illustrates this â€Å"if you know people, you’ll go to places† idea once again in Chapter 2 with the example of Weft Corporation’s new CEO who staffed all key positions with people form his inner circles as well as with people who served under him in the Army during World War II (Jackal, 2010 p. 35). I agree with Jackall that connections can lead you to places because I have a friend that got a very prestigious managerial posi tion in a big insurance company in Canada where his uncle is currently CEO.When CEO’s have power it is said to be a centralized business, however, decentralization creates a more efficient spectrum in the business side of the organization. As Jackall states, decentralization pushes down responsibilities and decisions as far down the organizational line as possible (Jackall, 2010, p. 18). In a decentralized structure, it gives top executives to take credit for positive outcomes and wash their hands when there are failures by pushing down details along with responsibilities and decisions. This was the case with Enron and the top executives playing dumb when everyone was trying to point fingers.For example, Kenneth Lay, former CEO and chairman of Enron, genuinely believed and accepted that he did not know anything about the Enron scandals and procedures. This is an example of lack of accountability and how pushing down details allows superiors to get off the hook. Another import ant consequence that pushing down of details create is the fact that middle managers, who know the details, become the â€Å"point men† or â€Å"fall guys† when things go wrong (Jackal, 2010, p. 22). This lack of accountability is truly disturbing and unfair.In my old job at a stainless steel company where I worked in the marketing department, a coworker got blamed for missing a deadline that was not clearly stated by her manager. She almost ended up losing her job and, instead of being accountable for the mistake, her manager blamed her for not paying close attention to her instructions. My next point of discussion involves the relationship between being a â€Å"team player† and the concept of â€Å"every man for himself†. Like Jackall states that, in order to get ahead, one must be a team player. Jackall uses an analogy where a football team is the organization.For example, the quarter back is the boss and a player is anyone who has a stake in and is in volved in a decision, etc. I only partially agree with Jackall’s view where being a team player will get you ahead because in some way one must play as a team and cooperate with one another in order to reach similar goals. However, I lean more towards Jackall’s cynical and somber reality of individuality and self-promotion. I believe that one can get ahead by how he presents himself and how well he sells himself. Like Jackall explains, one sells oneself and will differentiate from others with the right style (Jackall, 2010, p. 0). I recently got an internship with Northwestern Mutual. They are currently ranked in the top ten internship programs in the country. I personally do not have a stacked up resume or anything like that, but I sold myself very well in the initial interview, presented myself even better and left them with a memorable first impression. In order to leave a lasting and impressive self-brand one must â€Å"dress for success†. Like Jackall descr ibes, bureaucracies not only rationalize work, buy they rationalize people’s public face (Jackall, 2010, p. 49). I could not agree more with Jackall on this idea.I believe that image and professionalism separates the dominating and strong from the weak. Even if it is a facade, external appearances are critical. This part of the â€Å"mask† that Jackall mentions throughout this book. In relation to image Jackall mentions public perception or illusion in one of his interviews: â€Å"The whole thing becomes a complicated game of maintaining the public perception, the illusion really, that I’m on the move† (Jackall, 2010, p. 47). I believe that task oriented skills will only get you so far, but it is the perception that you have on others what is truly going to propel you.Concluding this paper, I want to remark the importance of networking, connections and relationships one nurtures throughout one’s personal and professional career. One never knows whi ch will become an important stepping-stone towards a successful and happy career. In relation to decentralizing organizations, it is easy for top executives to wash their hands when something goes wrong. Being accountable not only shows character, it is also the right thing to do. Moreover, balancing both factors of â€Å"team player† and â€Å"self-promotion† not only will one have a strong equilibrium but will also maintain the right tools to get ahead successfully.Finally, wearing that â€Å"mask† and portraying the illusion to maintain a strong image is a dependable skill worth polishing and implementing. I originally thought of Moral Mazes as a difficult read due to the sophisticated and eloquent language used by Jackall, but I quickly caught into it, especially re-reading certain sections after our class discussions. It really surprised me how people’s perceptions differ throughout the different situational and moral dilemmas. Even though it is fina ncially difficult to achieve, it would be interesting to read a large-scale study version of Moral Mazes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Religious and Ethnic Groups Essay

Buddhism is a religious group as depicted from the world’s history that began in the 6th century BCE, in today’s Northern India. Buddhism was founded by a wealthy man of Indian dysentery called Siddhartha Gautama. Siddhartha Gautama’s main concern was to teach people how to realize great spiritual development. These teachings focus on areas like tradition/customs, beliefs, ethics, meditation and philosophy and making people more enlightened; Buddha means ‘to awaken’. To the religious group boast of a huge following of about 300million across the world including 0. 7 percent of U. S. A’s religious composition based on U. S’s Census Bureau Document (Seager, 2012). Buddhism is a religious group that differs broadly from other groups in America. The difference is eminent in the way they carry out various practice. Some examples are worship, beliefs, culture, doctrines, and in other routine practices. Buddhism, unlike other religious groups, believes in the existence of only one Supreme Being ‘God’. In contrast to most groups, Buddhism spirituality is of personal discipline rather than faith in ‘God’. A lot of differences may be present when attempting to draw a comparison between Buddhism and the other religious groups in America. Buddhists Experience in America Buddhism has received its fair deal of mixed reception from other religious avenue. Some people have good perception and understand their teachings seek to uphold good morals and values. Buddhism also seeks a harmonious co-existence with other people in society even if they are not practicing the same religion. Others have perceived them as having a bizarre view deeming its operation as being mysterious. Buddhism is unique in conducting their routine religious practices and beliefs. Some religious groups have upheld Buddhism, not as a religion but merely a philosophy (Seager, 2012). They have even incorporated some practices like meditation as an art of realization physical and emotional well being as yoga in pursuit of reliving off stress. They have also sorted in some Buddhism cultural element and used them to perfect their own religions. Contribution and Discrimination of Buddhism Historically in American culture Buddhism has contributed adversely in development of America’s culture. Many Buddhists doctrine and daily routine practices are borrowed and used to blend America’s culture. Example of such practice teachings of how people perceive life and attitude, changed Buddhism has mentored Great America’s scientists and philosophers (Seager, 2012). They borrow ideas from Buddhism teachings. Some of the ways in which Buddhism is practiced in America include stress reduction treatment. In addition, famous movies and songs based on Buddhism, such as Seven Years in Tibet, Little Buddha, The Matrix, and Star Wars, has helped the advertisement industry. Another instance is the Master Card commercial that shows an image of Woman Meditating. There is an increasing number of Americans who visit the Buddhist temples and also practice meditation in privacy. Buddhist Fellowship organization is a very large group that promotes peace, environmental advocacy, and conducts homeless and prison outreach. Buddhism has experienced discrimination minimally compared to other religious groups. Discrimination happens within its own religion and culture primarily against Buddhist women. All Buddhist women are ordained to follow laws and disciplines such as bhikkhunis. However, Buddhist nuns have come together to fight for their rights. The source of this prejudice was because the Buddhist nuns have increased in number and they want to eliminate them from the religion. Buddhism has helped me learn about meditation which can be used in reducing stress and as a way of relaxing. Asian Ethnic Group The Asian American comprises of a 5% of the American population (Espiritu, 2011). In the recent years, the Asian ethnic group is considered among the fastest growing group in America. The Americans refer to subgroups such as the Chinese, Filipino, Indians, Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese. Most Asian Americans were born in America while others have been the immigrants who have settled in America. Asian differs from the other ethnic groups because from history Asians have continued to follow their religions, unlike many other groups. The Asian Americans are known for their diligence, strong family values and their respect for education, authority, and discipline unlike any other ethnic group in America. Asian American Contribution and Discrimination The Asian American has contributed greatly in the formation of American society. These contributions include constructions of railway, joining the military and protecting the Americans. Asians have also contributed in creating internet sites such as youtube and yahoo. The Asians have influenced other areas like fashion, religion, science and culture. For instance, the kung fu culture of the Chinese is greatly employed in Hollywood while creating action movies. Acts of discrimination towards Asian Americans in America are similar to other minority group. This racial discrimination bars the Asian American from participating in politics (Espiritu, 2011). The reason Asian Americans are discriminated against is Americans consider them foreigners. In conclusion, Buddhism is an Asian practice which the Asian have practiced almost all their lives, but this practice came to be known only in recent years. Discrimination of Asian Americans means that their religion, cultures, and practices are discriminated against. Buddhism is different from Asian Ethnic group because Buddhism is a practice done by the Asian communities. Discrimination should never be practiced in America because America is a multicultural society and the majority of people in America are citizens by birth. References Espiritu, Y. L. (2011). Asian American pan ethnicity: Bridging institutions and identities. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Seager, R. H. (2012). Buddhism in America. New York: Columbia University Press.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Paterns of market competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Paterns of market competition - Essay Example The Post World War II the position was that the US was dominating the world share of FDI by three quarters of the entire market share. The US at this point had around three-quarters of the Global FDI (1945 and 1960).However today in the age of globalisation the FDI is no longer a phenomena restricted to OECD countries. FDI growth is very important for the modern global economy with the FDI stocks now constituting over 20 percent of global GDP. Inward FDI happens when there is an investment of foreign capital within a country's own local resources and can be attracted by tax holidays and tax subsidies, low rates of interest, and more investor friendly laws. However ownership restraints or differential performance requirements are likely to discourage FDI. Outward FDI is local investment in foreign resources and is encouraged by a positive role of the host governments in providing insurance and tax breaks for these people who want to trade abroad. Therefore "Foreign Direct Investment" can be both inwards and outwards for the economy. Academics have expressed a lot ... ion of corporate control over international boundaries: Therefore the recent ability of the FDI to benefit or profit an economy has also suffered from criticism is to its negative effects. In the case of Developing Countries a comprehensive study by Bosworth and Collins (1999) investigated evidence concerning the effect of capital inflows and found that multinationals find it cheaper to expand directly in a foreign country rather than through trade " in cases where the advantages associated with cost or product are based on internal, indivisible assets based on knowledge and technology." The assertion whether large inflows of foreign capital present developing countries with a good opportunity in accelerating their economic development or not is a big question mark for economists in the light of the recent developments that have taken place in the Asian markets. With the governments of developing countries actively seeking our FDI's for their countries there is a large disagreement amongst economists and development agencies whether FDI flows are to some extent determined by the effectiveness of host state legal systems .The main players in the risks associated with FDI's are the host states, foreign investors and those engaged in development assistance and theorising(like the World bank.) There has to be an effective use of legal and economic reforms which balance domestic commercial and non-commercial interests. The following diagram shows the rise and fall of FDI in developing country, Vietnam .Notice how the trends are very irregular thus putting the whole benefit of the FDI in doubt.1 The many theories of FDI Foreign investors will need to be shown whether the local taxation and legal system will not unduly restrict their profits and activities .In

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

CAFE Standarsd Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CAFE Standarsd - Article Example They think that car manufacturers should be spared the painful task of spending a large amount of money to improve their cars’ design in order to make them more efficient. They think that because research has to be done, people have to be displaced, and profits will have to shrink, that the task of designing more fuel-efficient cars is not worth doing... just because it is too hard. I am a single mother, with a four-year-old son. I also have a physical disability which imposes upon me what other persons might call â€Å"limitations† or â€Å"constraints†. It is not easy for me to go about as able-bodied people do. I am not so rich as to hire people to do things for me. But I always find a way to get things done. In fact, I am pursuing my masters degree in counselling, something many â€Å"normal† people will hesitate to even attempt. Is it hard? Yes, it is. But that is not an excuse for me to just lay back and leave things as they are. I get up every day and do what has to be done, because it has to be done. Does Congress have what it takes to get things done, my dear Representative ? I am but one small voice among many, so I am counting on you to be my voice. What the big companies hesitate to do has already been done by other countries which have mustered the needed political will. Only we have hesitated, the most powerful country on earth, because we find it too hard to change. If despite all my disadvantages I can raise my son to be a good citizen of this earth, then I expect that our Congress will find a way to provide him with a portion of this earth in which to thrive that is safe and sustainable. I am , from . I am writing you today about the Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFÉ, bill, which I understand is currently being considered in the House. I feel very strongly about this issue, so much so that I am taking the pains to make my sentiments known to the Congressman

Construction Engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Construction Engineering - Assignment Example Whether or not a power plant can be built on a specific location is determine by carrying out technical surveys based on following recommendations. Supply of raw material to the place is convenient .i.e. the construction site is provided by roads to transport goods to that part of the area. Must have ample space to accommodate construction machinery. Must have proper area for dumping mud extracted from the construction site. Quebec is rich in places that are suitable for the construction of power plant. For the construction of such a facility in Quebec, following considerations are followed. Facility must be having environmental conditions that support the construction and running of power plant, e.g. Most of the year temperature should be below freezing point and less prone to tornadoes. Facility must be having suitable area for the construction of such a large project. It is better to choose the facility near geysers; therefore, less fuel will be required. Location selected must be close to the facility, so that less investment is required to lay down the electric cable system and less line losses are build. Before establishing such a huge project, most important thing is to carry out economic analysis. To keep the plant running after start up, its economic analysis must be done before time. Here are few most important aspects of carrying out the analysis. The total investment must not exceed the revenue plant is going to generate in its life span, but it should be less enough to overcome its maintenance charges as well as gives profit to the state. Plant should have least transportation charges of fuel and less cabling should be required to furnish the area with electricity produced. Question 2 What data would be required and how would it be collected/obtained/determined for question 1 above? The data for question 1 can be collected by dividing the whole task in a number of parts. First of all, basic information can be obtained by surveying already working p ower plants in Quebec. It needs thorough survey of all the power plants already working in that area. This survey includes detailed review of the operational complexities faced by already functional power plants, in terms of local environmental conditions and geographical issues. Annual reports generated by all the plants must be viewed thoroughly in order to get the idea how the output from the plant is being affected by the choice of location and other factors. All this is really helpful in getting exact data for the analysis carried out in question 1. Question 3 Part of your mandate is to prepare a manual of ‘Business Ethics’ for the Construction of this project. This manual would affect all engineering staff doing design and all construction contractors performing work on site. What key principles might you include in your manual? To follow Business Ethics or Code of Conduct while performing a task is a key to success as an individual as well as a company. Therefore , carrying out such a big project must also follow some codes of conduct that need to be applied on engineering staff, contractors and labors. Here is the list of most important business ethics that must be followed while carrying out this project(Vee and Skitmore). Construction drawings must not be stolen from any source rather a dedicated drawing for this specific thermal power plant must be produced. All of the construction errors must be reported

Monday, August 26, 2019

Culture anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Culture anthropology - Essay Example Okonkwo’s courageous warrior character, contrary to that of his father who left numerous debts after his death, convinced elders to decide that he was the only person capable of housing Ikemefuna. Ikemefuna was a boy given out as a peace settlement token amid the two villages where the elders agreed Okonkwo to act a guardian or his surrogate father. He assumes this responsibility where he loved the boy as his own owing to the exemplary and hero’s character Ikemefuna depicted, which was divergent to Nwoye’s (Tamilarasi 4). Okonkwo wished his son could take after him or Ikemefuna instead of his grandfather who was lazy. However, peaceful and harmonious living with Ikemefuna did not last long until the oracle according to the elders, demanded termination the boy. The oracle’s plan regarding the termination of Ikemefuna was the mandate of the elders but not Okonkwo’s since the boy called him father, hence being an abomination. Conversely, during the exe rcise, the boy escaped and ran to the safety of Okonkwo’s who not wanting to appear inferior killed him while Ikemefuna calling him father for protection, hence committing an abomination (Tamilarasi 5). This act forced Okonkwo and his family to go for exile for seven years according the community’s statutes to cleanse him, where after they burnt his belongings. Afterwards, Okonkwo returned where to his dismay unveiled that the white missionaries had taken over the village and community with Christianity, hence derailing people to abandon their esteemed culture. Okonkwo as the community’s warrior, tried to mobilize the then obedient masses to him in vain where while conflicting with the whites killed one of them (Tamilarasi 5). The community seemed to embrace the new Christianity culture; contrary to his own, which worshiped numerous deities thus, termed as idolatry. Okonkwo’s

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Horticultural plant or invasive species Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Horticultural plant or invasive species - Essay Example Description of Invasive Plant and Horticultural Plant Executive Order 13112 signed by President Clinton in 1999 provides the official perspective of what an invasive species is. The official view is that an invasive species is an alien species, which when introduced poses economic and environmental harm or poses a threat to human health. From the perspective of a lay man an invasive species can be taken as a species that does not occur naturally in a specified region, and the introduction of which leads to economic and environmental harm or is a threat to human health (Definition of Invasive Species). Invasive plants are a component of the invasive species and are considered those plants that are introduced into new habitats from other places and pose economic or environmental problems in their new habitats (Beaulieu, 2008). Horticultural plants on the other hand are those plants that are grown for fruits, vegetables, flowers or as ornamental plants to increase the beauty and ambience (Beaulieu, 2008).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What it means to receive my Black Belt in Kung Fu Essay

What it means to receive my Black Belt in Kung Fu - Essay Example I perceive this accomplishment as a major achievement in my life, and am grateful to the almighty that I had followed the eight essential elements that constitutes such a feat. A positive mind serves the purpose of keeping one constantly motivated. Whatever one does in life, whether it leads to success or failure, has to be augmented with a positive attitude. This will enable one to accept the facts of life and to emerge stronger out of any situation. Kung Fu had always provided me some reason to look up to myself. I was always required to set some standards to myself and to live up to it. This made me a highly positive individual who is willing to turn any negative aspect in life to something positive. For instance, whenever I found myself lacking in energy or focus, I told myself that what any other person could achieve could be achieved by me as well. I always considered my mentor a role model and followed the regime he suggested. And I was never disappointed by this attitude in life, for I was never defeated by any amount hard work. The very fact that I had to practice martial arts on a daily basis helped me maintain my body healthy. I realized that a healthy body is the best asset one could have. It made me feel ultimately confident in taxing situations. I also realized that my physical appearance was highly enhanced by a healthy body, which resulted in a lot of respect and admiration from those who were associated with me. This did boost my self-confidence and motivated me further to follow a strict regime of exercises and Kung Fu practice. I started slow and steady, but progressed to a stricter, more systematic regime, which could have led to a very healthy body which I can be proud of. Balanced relationships matter the most in human life. I was not really convinced at first of maintaining a balanced relationship with the help of learning martial arts. But, after

Friday, August 23, 2019

Integration of Financial Markets over past 25 years Essay

Integration of Financial Markets over past 25 years - Essay Example The world has become a smaller place and globalization has contributed towards the growth of international credit as a result of an international integration of the goods and services market and the growing presence of multinational companies. The GNP has seen more than twice growth in the share of imports and exports for most nations which in turn brought about a large increase in international lending and borrowings for the purpose of addressing the needs of current account transactions (Bekeart, Harvey, and Lumsdaine, 2002). Open financial markets have been regarded as an opportunity for expansion of investor’s portfolio diversification scope and therefore has a higher potential for greater risk-adjusted return. For the country, smooth consumption is allowed and saves them from potential shocks. Financial flows also result in the flow of capital with potential welfare gains and growth and international risk sharing. The costs of financial integration might also be as drastic as its benefits. Countries run the risk of reversal of capital flows and the risk of increased volatility through a largely open capital market. The recent financial crisis has been an example of the drawbacks of financial integration worldwide where the financial meltdown in one country has impacted the complete global economy. Although there was some misalignment of fundamentals, the financial crisis has brought focus to the instability inherent within the financial markets as a result of the financial integration process. This calls for a stronger regulatory supervision and more stubborn financial systems (Agà ©nor, 2001). The paper is organized beginning with a discussion on the operational significance of international financial markets and moves on to evaluate determinants of foreign exchange markets for the long run and the short run. The paper also analyses the international stock exchange and its role and reflection on the financial integration.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Directing and Acting an Extract FromA View From he Bridge Essay Example for Free

Directing and Acting an Extract FromA View From he Bridge Essay Directing and acting in an extract of the book was great fun. Especially the extract that we had chosen as it set a challenge, with many events that have to be dealt with maturely. Plot/ Theme We choose the scene of when Eddie kisses Catherine and Rodolfo because we felt that it was a scene of great importance to the structure of the play. Eddie before hand had shown very little jealousy of Rodolfo and Catherine, but in this scene it is the first time we can clearly see it. This display of jealousy also turned Eddies and Catherines relationship, then again their love and friendship had been rumbling ever since Rodolfo had arrived, but this really was the moment where the relationship had really become obvious that it had completely changed from the start of the book. This fight also results in Catherine leaving the home, another point in the play that is very important. I dont now about the rest of the group, but I also choose this section because it was a challenge worth taking on. I knew that many of the other people would choose the immigration officers section, but that seemed very boring and so I thought this section would be a better, more challenging section. This section really deals with the power of Catherines love for Rodolfo and how the love that once fell apon Eddie had gone. Catherines love for Rodolfo was so strong that she abandons the father she had cared for all her life. On a less serious note it also deals with the seriousness of drunkenness, as it can cause huge problems and can also make you do really stupid things, things that youd never do, like kiss people that youd never kiss. Characterisation This section also allowed us to reveal huge amount about the characters. Rodolfo: Rodolfo reveals a huge amount about his character, especially when it is such a small section, but then again it shows how important this extract is to the play. It is quite clear that Rodolfo loves Catherine, so much so that hed be willing to put his life and dignity on the line just to be able to love and to be with her. This is very clear when he gets into a fight with Eddie, although he already knew that hed be beaten (When he was boxing with Eddie, he had been hurt by eddies punch). Now this is shown particularly when Rodolfo tells Eddie Dont (pulls on Eddies arm) Stop that! Have respect for her! Now the pull of the arm was very important, and the whole way in which Rodolfo acts out his words afterwards. Now through out the play we had all thought, including Eddie himself had thought that Rodolfo was a soft touch, a man who didnt really like the prospect of a fight. But this scene reveals that he is willing and when he says Dont say that to me! Rodolfo flies at him in attack. It reveals a whole new Rodolfo. It is also the first time Rodolfo style in talking about the bird being freed. It shows that he knows how to make a women happy with words saying Catherine. If I take in my hands a little bird. And she grows and wishes to fly. But I will not let her out of my hands because I love her so much, is that right for me to do? I dont say you must hate him; but anyway you must go, musnt you? which is exactly what Catherine wanted to hear. Catherine: Catherine reveals very little in comparison to Rodolfo as she, for most of our extract is in the background of Eddies and Rodolfos argument. But even then she reveals one very important factor, and that is that she wants to leave home with Rodolfo, the past love for Eddie had not gone but the desire to be with him everyday had. Catherine shows this in very obvious places such as when she says Im going with him it is quite clear that she is wanting to get away. She also shows the first sings of being afraid of Eddie (trembling with fright) I think I have to get out of here. The easiest ways to show this desire to get away would be to, when she had has her arm held by Eddie, is to rip it away in aggression I think I cant stay here no more. ( she frees her arm, steps back towards the bedroom). Now this done aggressively would surely give Eddie the sign that she doesnt want to be there anymore and hopefully the audience as well. Eddie: Eddie, out of the three characters reveals the most. He fina;;y shows just how much he wants Catherine by kissing her. He then reveals to Catherine what he thinks of Rodolfo by kissing him as well. Beforehand he had repeatedly told Alfieri he just aint right Of course it is a big issue abut why Eddie kissed Rodolfo. He had always considered Rodolfo to be homosexual Yeah, but if he aint right, Mr Alfieri, you mean to tell me-. He sang, danced, and had blonde hair, mentioning all three to Alfieri, but was the kiss really used to prove that what he had thought was true? The truth was that Eddie didnt want to lose Catherine, to nobody, so he tries in anyway possible to try and put her of him. Eddie also demonstrates just how aggressive he can be. We show this when he repeatedly grabs her arm to stop her from walking away Pack it up. Go ahead. Get your stuff and get outa here. (Catherine instantly turns and walks towards the bedroom and Eddie grabs her arm) Where you goin? But Eddie also reveals a soft side to him. This is very obvious as Eddie starts to cry Im sorry, Eddie (She sees the tears in his eyes) This is the first time we see Eddie with real emotions for anyone, not even Beatrice. We can only hope that in order to show this on stage is to make it as meaningful as possible. Dramatic Qualities Now putting this all on to stage was not easy to say the least. As students it was very hard to get the love scene at the start right, but the hardest was definitely the kissing scenes Eddie had to perform. We as a group had to first agree on the various roles we were to play, Haakon agreed to play the part of Rodolfo, Natasha as Catherine and myself as Eddie. The first hard task we had to overcome was to make the first scene, the love scene between Rodolfo and Catherine to look serious, and to look like they mean what they say, with love and affection. We had to use the basic skills in which to make the scene look realistic. When they spoke, they held hands, looked straight into each others eyes. We also tried to make the conversation very flirty, for instance when Catherine says I love you! Rodolfo. I love you! we made Natasha hug Haakon to try and convey to the audience that the words had deep meaning. I thought the real advantage to doing this section was that if we achieved an atmosphere of tension between Rodolfo and Eddie then it would look brilliant. And all we needed to do was to have some very long, uncomfortable pauses. There were some really obvious places to use silence to develop the tension, but we choose to focus on when Rodolfo walks back into the Main room to discover Eddie, drunk. We tried to make it as if Eddie is shocked at Rodolfo for even being there and that he was even lost for words until he regains his voice, tries to act all hard again and aggressively points his finger at him. We also thought that at this time Eddie would be ready to leap at Rodolfo so we made sure that he couldnt by making Natasha stand in between the two, acting as a sort of a barrier. Another important part to the structure of the play is the increase of Rodolfos aggression. When he comes on, he comes out with Beatrice went to buy presents for her mother Now this we thought sounded very arrogant, as if to say that shes mine kind of way, so we made sure that he looked as confident as he sounds. So by making sure he stood up tall and talked with a deep voice and without stuttering. But this all changes when they start arguing so we have to try and show a little more timid-ness. We tried to show this in the remainder of his lines, the best example being yes, shell by my wife. Here he has just answered back to Eddie, so he knows that hes gone too far. So now he knows a fight is unavoidable and so he looks frightened and therefore starts to stutter his words. Haakon also has to look less rigid in posture to get this effect. So that it looks as if Eddie is bigger again. Things like the voice must be developed, which was hard as it had to sound like a real American Italian accent to enable to make the play realistic. So instead, we agreed between ourselves that wed all say the lines in our natural voices, otherwise the audience would be laughing at our efforts when they ought not to be. The two hardest parts to the extract was the two issues that Eddie had to perform on Catherine and Rodolfo while at the same time having to have a fight scene. The kissing of Catherine was easier. It just took me to have my back to the audience so that when I had my head close to Natashas, the audience could not see if our lips met. But with the combination of Natashas reaction of squirming around, and my body being rigid, it looked very much like we were kissing. Now the fight scene had to look realistic, not just an immature half effort towards another vital important part in the play, but at the same time we had to make sure that Haakon was going to be safe. Our basic plan was to do a judo trip across my leg, then pick him up by his tie and collar and kiss him on the cheek. Review Analysis Now considering how short a time we had to prepare for the performance, I thought that what we achieved was really a great effort from the whole group. In particular things like the kissing scenes where we dealt with the situation maturely, and it was so realistic that a lot of people asked afterwards if we actually kissed. But the thing I was most pleased with, mature approach we took to the challenge of this very difficult extract. There were a lot of places in the section the actors could have laughed through, but we all took the whole situation seriously. I think on a weaker point, that we failed to make the situation with Eddie and Rodolfo tenser then i think we could have managed. We all got very nervous on stage and so we rushed through our lines, creating very little suspense when it really have ought to. Another bad point was we failed to keep Haakon safe when performing the fight scene. He fell quite badly. But in general our section of the play was a great experience to act and direct in.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Coming of Age Essay Example for Free

Coming of Age Essay A coming of age experience can happen any time during ones life, most often when it is least expected. It is the thread that sews humanity together, a phenomenon, which is undeniable. Society tells us, it is a defining moment in a childs life, when the world somehow becomes his or her own. Why then is Coming of Age simply relegated to the young? We all experience this phenomenon, from the tender age of four till the ripe old age of ninety-four. It is not an experience based solely on chronological milestones. Coming of age is a defining moment when a persons wide-eyed nnocence is replaced with something deeper and at times something darker and more sinister, a snapshot in life when one realized the answer rests inside us, not relying completely on God. Consequently, in that way, we are always coming of age, always-losing innocence, gaining understanding, and always discovering new truths about ourselves, emotionally, and intellectually. Coming of age is the act of experiencing a definitive shift in ones perspective, a greater realization of ones place in the world, and a further understanding of how personal actions and reactions are ntegrally linked. Thats not fair was my signature quotation as a little girl. A life full of Barbies, tea parties, and several rounds of Go-Fish card games was very demanding for a five year old. I could only assume the world revolved around which Barbie I wanted to be, what frilly dress I wanted to wear, and my pristine skills of winning every round of Go-Fish. As a little princess, fairness was vital to what made me happy. When I was eight years old, the word fair took on a whole other meaning the day my mom and her best friend, Muffy, took my sister and me to lunch. As we at down at the table, Muffy, the mother of my best friend, Sam, hesitantly twisted the diamond protruding from her gold wedding band. We waited for our lunches in silence, my sister and I only knowing that they had something to tell us, but not knowing what. The silence was unbearable; waiting for something that must have no positive outcome was definitely, as I would term, unfair. After the waitress brought our food, my moms voice filled the intolerable silence. Unlike her usual motherly lectures, my moms voice seemed Just as excruciating as the previous silence; it was uncertain, unfamiliar, and distant. My mom has always been the woman that I admire and would hope to become. The smiles and love she has given to my sister and me have been unconditional and contagious. At the moment, the slightly tilted frown and the unfulfilled eye contact was not the woman that I knew as my mother. All I wish for was to read her mind, fgure out who she had become so that I could make everything better and change her back to the woman I see myself being one day. Muffy began with her understanding voice, a quality that she and my mother share, Emily and Peggy, I can see the concern on your faces and we are here to tell ou that Sam has cancer. He will be undergoing surgery next week and all I ask from you is to be as understanding, mature, and as helpful as possible. I know you are both strong and that it is going to be hard for all of us. My best friend, at eight years old, has cancer. I continued to repeat this in my mind. There was no He will be find or Everything will be taken car of. My mind was running with questions, How long has he had cancer? Will he have to undergo chemo? Will he lose all his hair? But unfair. Two years later Sam went through his third treatment. At this point we were told hat he was not going to make it and at that moment, as a young eight year old, I began to understand that lifes trials cannot be won like a game of go-fish. I began to understand that life is not fair because I did not understand why someone so caring and loving like Sam would be put through this. I do wish that fguring these things out at such a young age would not be as tortuous as my best friend getting cancer and passing away. However, for me, maturing at that age is accepting that the world does not revolved around me. That losing in a game of go-fish is not the end of the world and to treasure every day of life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Is Light a Wave or a Particle?

Is Light a Wave or a Particle? Is light a wave or a collection of particles? The answer is both, Light can be modelled as an electromagnetic wave or a stream of photons Light is an electromagnetic wave as it travels through a vacuum of outer space to transfer its energy from one location to another. ( The physics classroom, 1996-2014) Electromagnetic waves are created by the vibration of an electric charge. This vibration creates a wave which has both an electric and a magnetic component. An electromagnetic wave transports its energy through a vacuum at a speed of 3.00 x 108 m/s (a speed value commonly represented by the symbol c). The Wave theory of was originally developed by Huygens His theory said that light travelled through space by travelling through a medium known as the ether, a mystical weightless substance, which exists as an invisible entity throughout air and space. Huygens believed that ether vibrated in the same direction as light, and formed a wave itself as it carried the light waves. Huygens Principle described how each point on a wave could produce its own wavelets, which then added together to form a wavefront. Light also displays certain properties of waves such as reflection, refraction and diffraction. These occur when a wave reaches the end of the medium. Reflection is when the light bounces off an obstacle. The most common example is the reflection of light waves off mirrored surface results in the formation of an image. Another characteristic of wave reflection is that the angle at which the wave approaches a flat reflecting surface is equal to the angle at which the wave leaves the surface. Reflection is observed in water and sound waves and is also observed in light. (The physics classroom, 1996-2014) Refraction is when a wave passes from one medium to another medium. When the wave crosses the boundary between the two mediums the direction of the wave changes and the path of the wave is essentially bent. The direction of the bend depends on the speed at which the wave is moving through the mediums, if it is moving from a fast medium to a slow medium it will bend one way and going from a slow medium to a fast medium it will bend the opposite way. The angle of the bend will depend on the actual speeds of the two mediums. (The physics classroom, 1996-2014) Refraction occurs in sound and water waves. It can be seen in light in the refraction of light through a glass or a mirage is an optical illusion caused when light waves moving from the sky toward the ground are bent by the heated air Diffraction involves a change in direction of waves as they pass through an opening or around an obstacle in their path. Water and sound waves have the ability to travel around corners, around obstacles and through openings. When light encounters an obstacle in its path, the obstacle blocks the light and tends to cause the formation of a shadow in the region behind the obstacle. Light does not exhibit a very noticeable ability to bend around the obstacle and fill in the region behind it with light. Nonetheless, light does diffract around obstacles. In fact, if you observe a shadow carefully, you will notice that its edges are extremely fuzzy. Interference effects occur due to the diffraction of light around different sides of the object, causing the shadow of the object to be fuzzy. This is often demonstrated with a laser light and penny demonstration. Light diffracting around the right edge of a penny can constructively and destructively interfere with light diffracting around the left edge of the penny. The result is that an interference pattern is created; the pattern consists of alternating rings of light and darkness. As can be seen in this photo. How can we test if light is a wave? An experiment called the double slit experiment was designed by the scientist Thomas Young. It required a light source, a thin card with two holes cut side by side and a screen. To run the experiment, Young allowed a beam of light to pass through a pinhole and strike the card. If light contained particles or simple straight-line rays, he reasoned, light not blocked by the opaque card would pass through the slits and travel in a straight line to the screen, where it would form two bright spots. This isnt what Young observed. Instead, he saw a bar code pattern of alternating light and dark bands on the screen. To explain this unexpected pattern, he imagined light traveling through space like a water wave, with crests and troughs. Thinking this way, he concluded that light waves traveled through each of the slits, creating two separate wave fronts. As these wave fronts arrived at the screen, they interfered with each other. Bright bands formed where two wave crests overlapped and added together. Dark bands formed where crests and troughs lined up and canceled each other out completely. This proves the theory that light is a wave. The particle theory of light This theory was developed by Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Eistein and said that the energy emitted by light travelled as small minimum quantities or packets of electromagnetic energy called photons According to the photon theory of light, photons . . . move at a constant velocity,c= 3 x 108m/s (i.e. the speed of light), in free space have zero mass carry energy and momentum, and The energy of each photon is directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. can be destroyed/created when radiation is absorbed/emitted. can have particle-like interactions (i.e. collisions) with electrons and other particles. (Jones, 2014) The photoelectric effect supports the particle theory of light The photoelectric effect is the phenomena where a metal releases electrons when exposed to light or electromagnetic radiation of a particular frequency. These emitted electrons are called photoelectrons. So basically this is how it works Every metal has a threshold frequency this is the minimum frequency of light or electromagnetic radiation that will causes the release of electron from the surface of a metal. This is because this frequency will supply the minimum amount of energy needed to overcome the force of attraction between the metal and the electron this is known as the work function of the metal What happens is when a light photon with energy equal to hf (h being planks constant and f being greater than or equal to the threshold frequency) strikes a metal surface all the energy of the photon is transferred to the electron. (Louw, 2014) Another way to prove the particle theory is the Atomic Spectra Emission spectra are produced when light from a light source such as a filament or a gas discharge tube is observed through a diffraction grating or a prism Continous spectra are produced when light from a glowing solid state material such as a filament passes through a triangular prism. This is because Energy transitions take place this means that in an atom electrons have specific energy levels as you can see An electron is excited to an unstable higher energy level and then falls back to a lower level. Photons with a specific energy and frequency are emitted. In such dense substances, the atoms are so close together that many different transitions of electrons can take place and light photons of any wave length can be radiated. This results in the different colours being emitted. The production of the line emission spectra A glowing gas is obtained by heating it or passing an electric current through it The glowing gas in the discharge tube is then observed through a diffraction grating ( a diffraction creating is a transparent plate on which parallel lines are ruled very closely à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ±600 per mm The electrons in an atom have only specific energy levels When an atom is in a gaseous state, electrons can be excited to a higher energy level through heat or electricity The electrons absorb a discrete amount of energy for a specific jump for example between energy level 3 and 1 The excited state is unstable so the electron falls back almost immediately to a lower level and emits light energy in the form of photons The energy of an emitted photon equals the energy difference between the higher and lower energy levels. The energy is emitted as light with a definite frequency and specific colour. Each element will produce a different line spectra due to the differing energy levels Atomic spectras that are observed can only be explained if light was a stream of particles. It can therefore be stated that light as dual particle-wave nature Pictures (Richard Anderson, 2011) (Top ten thailand , 2014) (Abovetopsecret, 2014) (Atal, 2011) (Britannica, 2014) (HowStuffWorks, 2014) (xsgeo, 1999) (Mastin, 2009) (Greenfield, 2002) (Paley, 2010) (Norton, 2013) (Anon., n.d.) (University of Nebraska Lincoln, 2014) Bibliography The physics classroom, 1996-2014. Propagation of an Electromagnetic Wave. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Abovetopsecret, 2014. Scalar waves. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Anon., n.d. Tumbler. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Atal, A., 2011. Davisson–Germer Experiment. [Online] Available at:–germer-experiment/ [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Britannica, 2014. Desert Mirage. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Greenfield, D., 2002. Optical networking: fundamentals of light. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. HowStuffWorks, 2014. How light works. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Jones, A. Z., 2014. What is a photon?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Louw, R., 2014. Physical Sciences, the Answer Series. 1st ed. Cape Town : The Answer. Mastin, L., 2009. QUANTA AND WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. nightlase, 2014. Theory of Light. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Norton, J. D., 2013. Origins of Quantum Theory. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Paley, N., 2010. Czech myself before I wreck myself. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. Richard Anderson, 2011. Santilli IsoRedShift. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. school physics, 2013. Theories of light. [Online] Available at: properties/Wave properties/text/Theories_of_light/index.html [Accessed 24 September 2014]. The physics classroom, 1996-2014. Wavelike Behaviors of Light. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Top ten thailand , 2014. 10 Crazy Facts About Mirrors. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. University of Nebraska Lincoln, 2014. Spectral Classification of Stars. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2014]. xsgeo, 1999. WHAT MAKES A WIGGLE ?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 September 2014]. Utilitarian Consequentialist Perspective: Ethics of Cloning Utilitarian Consequentialist Perspective: Ethics of Cloning The emergence of a cloned ewe called Dolly in 1997 was a shock to the entire globe. Since an animal had been successfully cloned, it was only natural for scientists to try to replicate human beings. In 2001, a U.S. Company that deals with Advanced Cell Technology announced their first attempt towards making a human clone.   Even though the experiment failed, the developments in biotechnology sparked a lot of interests regarding the morality and ethics of human cloning. This essay explores the bioethical issue of human cloning and how it challenges the absolute worth of the life of a human being from a utilitarian consequentialist perspective. Utilitarianism is a prominent ethical theory that assesses the rightness or wrongness of actions or ideas based on their implications for the mass population. Utilitarians view morality as an opportunity to make life better or to increase the good things on the planet by reducing the bad aspects. They think that what makes ideas and actions justified is their positive contribution to the human race. A person or entity is thus forced to develop calculations that will balance things out to generate the most happiness. Additionally, consequentialism allows morality to generate all forms of overall consequences (Vaughn, 2015). In the issue of human cloning, a utilitarian viewpoint would argue that it is essential to weigh the pleasure and pain that the idea or action will produce. Cloning entails the procedure of acquiring genetic material from one living organism to formulate an identical copy of it artificially. The outward appearance of the clone and organism will appear similar, but they will both have different personalities and attitudes. Human cloning possesses benefits such as the creation of additional living organisms that people need, regenerating an extinct species, providing infertile couples with children, compensating for the loss of a child, elimination of the birth defects, tissue and organ harvesting, amongst others (Vaughn, 2015). According to Vaughn (2015), the adverse implications of human cloning include the possibility of using the clones as slaves, experimentations on human beings, the lack of individuality of a clone, uncertain future outcomes regarding the health of the clone, aggressive genetic illnesses, social divide, etc. Human cloning is considered morally wrong by everyone who comes into contact with the potential dangers of the process. A significant portion of the clones dies after or before they are formed. They also obtain different malformations and abnormalities. Up to now, not even animal clones have successfully been created. It is thus disheartening to even contemplate a human child arising from a similar process. However, human cloning from a utilitarian consequentialist perspective is set to benefit many people on earth. From the standpoint, it is viewed as morally justified. Genetically altering the chromosomal composition of a person so that he or she can be free from defects would be ethically right. However, the uncertainty that arises from cloning makes it difficult to develop a concise analysis of the positive implications of the process. For example, the clone ewe, Dolly, was a remarkable creature who broke the boundaries of human thinking to usher in the prospects of human cloning. However, a few years later, Dolly exhibited signs of premature aging as well as genetic diseases (Vaughn, 2015). It is thus not right for scientists to be provided with the go ahead to dive into genetic engineering due to the uncertain outcomes of human cloning. At this early stage, a utilitarian consequentialist perspective of the bioethical issue is a bit hazy because it appears as if many individuals will not benefit from the scientific procedure. But there is also the aspect of a few mistakes saving millions of lives and ensuring the survival of the human race particularly at a time when the environment is in danger, and they are numerous incurable illnesses. Fortunately, with the introduction of computer simulations, it will be easier to examine the positive implications of human cloning to the general population since they will be no urgency to conduct human and animal experiments. Reference Vaughn, L. (2015). Doing ethics: Moral reasoning and contemporary issues. WW Norton Company.

Robert Frost :: essays research papers

Robert Frost, perhaps the greatest American poet of the twentieth century, has brought himself great recognition. Many critics have tried to find a faulty side to his writing, but they have had a difficult time because his writing "romanticizes the rural simplicity that he loved while probing into the mysteries of the universe (Estep 2)." Three areas of criticism covered are: a speaker's decision in choosing, a poem broken down into three sections, and Frost's use of metaphors and style in his writing. Born in San Francisco, but raised in New England, many of Robert Frost's poems are representations of his experiences in the northeastern parts of America. He was unsuccessful in college never earning his degree, and for several years he supported his family by tending to a farm his grandfather bought for him. In his spare time, Frost would read and write anything and everything. Discouraged by his unsuccessful life as a poet, he packed up his bags and moved to England. He co ntinued writing and published his first two books of poetry, which would gain him the recognition in America he had been in search of (ExpLit 1). One of Frost's most famous poems is "The Road Not Taken." This poem is about someone who comes to a fork in a path. One path is well beaten and treaded, while the other is less traveled and more difficult. Is the traveler happy with the decision he has made to take the road less traveled? Many critics think he may have had second thoughts. Magill's Survey of American Literature states that there are many contradictions throughout the poem, "†¦He seems to contradict his own judgment. The poet appears to imply that the decision is based on evidence that is, or comes close to being an allusion" (Magill 64).The tone of the stanza and the title of the poem suggest that the traveler may be regretting his choice because by making a choice to do one thing you have to give up the opportunity to do another (Magill 74). " ;I kept the first for another day! I shall be telling this with a sigh." Discovering Authors Modules agrees with other critics. "Is he truly happy with his choice?" The traveler doesn't ever directly say he was happy with his choice, so is he satisfied? In the poem it states, "†¦and that has made all the difference," but has it made all the difference in a positive way (DAM 2).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Female Deceit and Gender Bias in Death :: Feminism Feminist Papers

Female Deceit and Gender Bias in Death Death is the end to the natural cycle of life and is represented as dark, melancholic and even menacing. The underworld is depicted as a murky and sinister realm where the dead are trapped in a world of eternal darkness. Ancient drama, however, defies the conventional perceptions and representations of death. Despite the foreboding associated with it, characters in ancient drama embrace death in its frightening glory, rather than face the repercussions of their actions, especially when their honor and pride are at stake. Deceit is also an integral part of ancient drama and characters, particularly women, fall prey to it and unwittingly unleash chaos that more often that, negatively impacts the lives of the characters. This paper demonstrates how gender biases can be interpreted from the depiction of death and the characters’ justifications of it in two of Sophocles’ plays – Ajax and Women of Trachis and also demonstrates how female deception le ads to the death of the principal character(s). Interestingly, the concepts of death and deceit are intertwined. Deceit often leads to death and illustrates gender bias in even the portrayal of death. The woman’s suicide is almost always portrayed as the coward’s way out of a difficult situation, whereas the man embraces death in order to keep intact his pride and glory, being even braver in death than in life. In both instances of male and female death, female deception plays a vital role and the woman is frequently responsible for creating the unsavory situation. Warrior pride plays a vital role in Ajax, eventually propelling the hero to his death. Ajax is portrayed as an accomplished and mighty warrior, eulogized by even his worst enemy, Odysseus, as â€Å"The bravest man I ever saw / except for Achilles, the best and bravest who ever came to Troy† (Aj. 66, 83-85). Ajax’s whole sense of self is shattered in one swift moment of induced madness by Athena. She uses her divine powers and tricks him into confusing sheep as member of his army. Ajax seeking revenge on his army, slaughters the sheep, believing them to be the generals of his army and their followers, who had wronged him.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Human Resource Managementa Case Study Essay -- Personnel Management

Human Resource Managementa Case Study Management of Human Resources-Assignment Introduction: In order to critically assess and recommend alternatives, I would like firstly to give a brief description of the business crisis the company was facing and the subsequent need for change in the company’s overall business strategy. I would then like to focus on the key aspects of the firm’s human resources strategy and the changes that were made in order to supplement the overall changes in the business strategy. Business Crisis: International Computers Limited (ICL) was born in 1968 out of the merger between English Electric Computers (EEC) and International Computers and Tabulators. With  £40 million of government support it developed over a period of 6 years, an independent series of computers that was incompatible with IBM computers. IBM had garnered a 50% share of the UK computer market and the government felt the only way to stem this growth was through the integration of British high tech firms. With the government as one of its major customers and through several strategic acquisitions and product diversifications during the 1970’s, the company managed to achieve growth rates of around 20%. But this growth did not continue for long as the recession struck in 1979 and growth rates spiralled. By late 1980 the company was facing a  £100 million shortfall in orders, in spite of having taken some major redundancy procedures. The firm was on the verge of bankruptcy when the government agreed to a ct as a guarantor for a  £270 million bank overdraft. The government subsequently exercised its power of guarantee by installing a new chairman and two new directors, one of who was Robb Wilmott, the new MD. Wilmott was a perceptive man who realised that the only way ICL was going to survive was by planning for the long-term and this was to be achieved by formulating a new product strategy and a complete change in the way it did business. Sparrow P 1995 International Computers Limited (ICL) In: Hiltrop J, Sparrow P (eds.) European Casebook on Human Resource and Change Management Prentice Hall, pp 110-122 Downsizing: The rapidly changing global environment with regard to competition and technological advances in the industry and ICL’s subsequent decision to shift from hardware to total systems differentiation, led the MD to pursue a new strategy based ... ...and Lorenz. 1994a) discusses the main problems associated with the implementation of this structure, including the possibility of role conflict, power struggles with regard to establishment of authority, inappropriate decision making techniques and difficulty in establishing accountability. Though it may be argued that every form of organisational structure has both strong and weak points, maybe a structure that is applicable to the environmental context, as well as having fewer disadvantages attached to could be applied. My personal view would be implementation of a structure based on product grouping, which in essence is similar to the matrix, but appears to posses fewer disadvantages. Reference:  · Sparrow P 1995 International Computers Limited (ICL) In: Hiltrop J, Sparrow P (eds.) European Casebook on Human Resource and Change Management Prentice Hall, pp 110-122 Bibliography: 1. Armstrong M 1999 A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 7th edn. Kogan Page, London 2. McKenna E 2000 Business Psychology And Organisational Behaviour 3rd edn. Psychology Press 3. Handy C 1995 Gods Of Management 4th edn. Arrow Books Ltd

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Flight 587 Crash Investigation

This paper examines the disaster of American Airlines flight 587 on November 12, 2001 in New York City. At least 265 people died in this tragedy making its one of the major disasters in modern aviation history. In the immediate aftermath of the accident, there were great fears that this could be another outcome of a terrorist attack on the U. S soil. Official investigations, however, quickly ruled out any terrorist involvement. Findings indicated that the weak wake turbulence caused by an airplane that took off slightly before flight 587 initiated an unfortunate chain of events that resulted in the catastrophe.The final report of the NTSB held the faulty rudder control system design of Airbus A300-600, and the inadequate pilot training program of American Airlines to be chiefly responsible. In addition, the allegedly quirky response behavior of the first officer at the controls of the airplane is considered a critical factor. However, many people, common men and experts alike, are no t convinced of the validity of the NTSB investigations. Introduction On the morning of November 12, 2001, Tom Lynch, a retired firefighter, is on Rockaway Beach Boulevard taking his regular morning exercise march.He watches an airplane complete a banked turn and start towards the ocean. Then, all of a sudden, he sees a small explosion in the fuselage behind the wing. Two more seconds elapse and suddenly there is a second explosion, engulfing most of the plane in flames. It was the American Airlines Flight 587. Two months after 9/11 – this Airbus 300-600 left John F. Kennedy International Airport en route to Santa Domingo, the Dominican Republic. Less than three minutes after takeoff, the aircraft crashed in a blazing inferno in the heart of the neighborhood of Bell Harbor, Queens. All 251 passengers along with 9 crew members perished.Most remarkably, only five people died on the ground. 44 fire trucks and 200 firefighters were rushed to the scene. Soon, the disaster of AA Fli ght 587 would be found not to be due to terrorism, but to mechanical failure. However, in the stark post 9/11 environment of the day, it was difficult for many people to believe that planes could still fall from the sky for reasons unrelated to terrorism. Feelings and fears were especially strong and these were exacerbated this fresh tragic event. As the author S. D. Manning (2003) put it, â€Å"This crash jarred a city (and a nation) still scarred and numb from the agony it has already endured†The Investigation Tonight, American holds its collective breath, Prays this nightmare is due to mechanical failure, Not premeditated design. The sheer irony would shame Kafka – It's not the disaster itself but its cause That bothers us, enslaves us to out TV's; We pray that it’s something man-made, not man. – L. D. Brodsky. (2002). As the aircraft climbed from John F. Kennedy airport, some people on the ground saw an explosion and fire on the underneath side of the aircraft, which was quickly followed by parts falling off the aircraft, including the vertical stabilizer and rudder.During the aircraft's fall, engines came away from the wings. Falling separately, one engine landed on Beach 129th Street the other engine on Beach 126th. The plane then plunged to the ground on the narrow strip of land known as Rockaway, in Belle Harbor at Queens. The plane's tail broke off and fell into Jamaica Bay, more than a mile from the primary crash site. Although a few stray remnants landed here and there, the fuselage and wings pounded into the home on the corner of Beach 131st Street and Newport Avenue. The plane's impact, subsequent explosions, and fire destroyed other homes.The rudder and the tail fin were found first along the flight path, followed by the engines and then the main wreckage. According to the NTSB, the tail fin and rudder of the plane sheared off as it accelerated. The aircraft began a climbing turn over Jamaica Bay when it encountered tu rbulence caused by the wake vortices generated by a Japan Airlines 747 that had taken off just one minute forty-five seconds earlier. Records from the flight data recorder later recovered from the crash site showed that the turbulence had cause movements of flight 587's rudder, part of which, together with the vertical tail fin, became detached from the aircraft.Control of the aircraft was lost and it fell from the sky. This was the second deadliest crash in US history, but it also, â€Å"was the first example where we had an in-flight failure of a major structural component of an aircraft that in fact was made of composite materials,† as NTSB Chairwoman Marion Blakley would assert later. From the outset, the investigation into the loss of the American Airlines aircraft was conducted on the premise that it was an accident. There seemed to be no immediate indication it was anything else, except for the numerous eyewitness accounts of fire and explosion just before the aircraft plummeted.Officials were keen to reiterate that there was nothing to suggest any foul play had been involved in the loss of the aircraft. Coming so soon after the September 11th outrages, another terrorist assault in America would have been untenable and morally damaging. The President had declared war on terrorism. Congress had been actively involved in developing new legislation to contain the threat that al-Qaeda posed to civil aviation operations. The possibility of a terrorist strike seemed a little farfetched in the state of intensely heightened vigilance that the air transportation industry was in during the aftermath of 9/11.Even if there was foul play involved, it could have been more of a sabotage than the explosion of a bomb. Though terrorism was suspected by everyone, it could not be substantiated. The main difficulty of associating the loss of AA587 with terrorism was the manner of its destruction. If the tail assembly did lie at the root of the problem, then sabotage when the aircraft was on the ground appeared a more likely scenario than a suitcase bomb or a suicidal passenger detonating a device on board the plane. Accident scenarios had to be explored first.Marion Blakley said in an interview on CNN Newsnight on the day of the crash: One of the things that we're very committed to doing is to have a full investigation from a system standpoint, mechanical standpoint, looking at the history of this flight, the crew, the human factors that may have been involved. Immediately following the loss of flight 587, a 40-strong NTSB Go Team under the Investigator-in-Charge Robert Benzon was sent to the site of the crash (NTSB News, 2001). As was the norm, their work was supported by other agencies and companies considered appropriate by the board.The NTSB used the American Airlines facility at Tulsa for a detailed examination of the aircraft engines. No evidence was found of a fire, bird strike, or other pre-impact malfunction. The auxiliary power unit ( used to power the aircraft when it is on the ground) was sent to Honeywell, its manufacturer. Nothing wrong was found with the unit. The tail fin and rudder assemblies underwent visual inspection in New York before being sent to the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.Extensive preliminary tests at Langley sought to identify whether the vertical stabilizer and rudder had had any damage or faults before the accident. None were found. Although the flight data recorder indicated significant rudder movement before the crash, there was nothing to show why this had happened (NTSB News 2002). That both engines separated from the wings as the aircraft fell from a comparatively low height posed another question: Could the engines have been sabotaged, if not by an explosive device, then by some other means so far undetected by the NTSB investigators?â€Å"Investigators suspect a catastrophic engine event as the likely cause of an airline crash Monday in New York,† went CN N. com’s headline on the very day of the accident. However, the primary focus of the investigation eventually shifted to the rudder system. The NTSB team flew to France to work with experts from Airbus Industrie, the aircraft's manufacturer, at their headquarters in Toulouse. The purpose of this visit was to study at firsthand the mechanism of the rudder system and to simulate the pattern of the aerodynamic loads that may have affected the vertical stabilizer during the failure of flight 587.If the investigators could not identify a possible mechanical or structural reason for the accident, they would have been left considering the impossible. Even though they may not have found any terrorist involvement in the loss of AA flight 587, in the absence any other demonstrable reason for the crash, terrorism would be back in focus. Flight History Flight 587 was an Airbus A300-600, Registration Number N14053. It took off from JFK International Airport at 9:14:29 A. M. on November 12 , 2001 in clear weather conditions. At 0915:44.7, the captain Edward States asked, â€Å"little wake turbulence, huh? † to which the first Officer, Sten Molin, replied, at 0915:45. 6, â€Å"yeah. † At 9:15:51, when the plane was 2,000 feet and was over Jamaica Bay, the first officer initiated a series of emergency control inputs and called for the emergency â€Å"escape† maneuver. During the wake turbulence encounter, the airplane’s pitch angle increased from 9? to 11. 5? , decreased to about 10? , and increased again to 11?. At 9:16:01. 9, F. O. Molin was heard on ATC uttering â€Å"losing control.†The airplane crashed 13 seconds later, it was airborne for less than 106 seconds. At 0915:58. 5, the CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder) recorded the sound of a loud bang. At that time, the airplane was traveling at an airspeed of about 251 knots. â€Å"Hang onto it, Hang onto it,† were the last words of the Captain Edward States, as recorded on the CVR The Crew Background The captain was 42 years of age and the first officer 34. They were hired by American Airlines in July 1985, and March 1991 respectively. The captain had 1,922 hours total flyingtime in military and general aviation before his employment with American Airlines, and 8,050 hours total flying time thereafter which included 3,448 hours as pilot-in-command and 1,723 hours as a pilot-in-command for A300 specifically. His last proficiency check took place on June 21, 2001; and his last pilot-in-command line check occurred on July 31, 2001. He consumed alcohol sparingly and never during a time around his work schedule. According to a colleague, he was an extremely good pilot, very relaxed and competent.The first officer had 3,220 hours total flying time in commercial and general aviation before his employment with American Airlines, and 4,403 hours total flying time, which included 1,835 hours as second-in-command for A300 specifically. Both the captain and the first of ficer had no FAA records that indicated any incident history or enforcement action. One pilot who worked with the first officer, however, described him as being â€Å"very aggressive† on the rudder pedals after a wake turbulence encounter. Except for that, his overall skills were described as excellent, and â€Å"well above the norm. †The 5M ConceptThe 5M concept is a risk assessment tool used to graphically illustrate how the dynamic interaction of the man, the machine and the media (that is, environment) converge to produce either a successful mission or if unsuccessful, a mishap. Man-category encompasses aircrew members, their training, selection, proficiency, habit patterns, performance, and personal factors. Factors under â€Å"performance† heading include awareness, perceptions, saturation, distraction, channelized attention, stress, confidence, adaptive skills, and fatigue (physical, motivational, sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm, klutz).â€Å"Persona l factors† include job satisfaction, values, families/friends, command/control, discipline (internal and external), and communication skills. The Machine-category encompasses the various design, maintenance, logistics, and other technical data related to the aircraft. The Media is the environment in which aircrew fly and includes factors and forces that are related to climactic, operational, hygienic conditions. The fourth category is the management. Management regulates standards, procedures, and controls.The interaction between the 4M’s Man, Media, Machine, and Management determine the desired outcome, or the Mission. When outcome fails to meet anticipated goals, these 5 M’s must be thoroughly reassessed (Civil Air Patrol). The Shell Model The factors that affect the outcome of each flight can be assessed under the SHELL Model: Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware (outer ring) and Liveware (inner ring). Software is what makes the system work, and includes guidelines, regulations, operation specifications, and company policy and procedures.Hardware is the physical equipment that is necessary for a flight to operate. The category â€Å"Environment† relates to the broad external context that can affect the flight or the pilot, and includes factors such as weather, g-forces, and ambient light. Liveware represents the human factors. The outer ring includes air traffic controllers, flight service briefers, dispatchers, other crewmembers, pilots of other aircraft, flight attendants.The inner ring is the most important part of the SHELL model and includes various variables affecting the competence and performance of the pilots (Shields 2002). The NTSB Findings The NTSB officials very early on in the investigation suggested the cause of the crash might be due to wake turbulence from an aircraft that departed earlier. However, many experts doubted that the light turbulence from such an encounter would register on the scale of the type o f extreme turbulence that aircraft undergo from atmospheric disturbances such as in the vicinity of thunderstorms.Commercial jets are built to withstand forces up to 2. 5 G-forces, while the turbulence that hit the plane was one tenth of a G-force — barely strong enough to be even noticed (Dyer 2002). The Board then suggested that the composite vertical stabilizer may be faulty. However, this does not address the numerous reports of reliable witnesses, such as policemen and firemen, concerning fire and explosions coming from the aircraft before the vertical stabilizer ripped from the aircraft.Finally, after three years of investigations, National Transportation and Safety Board stood by its wake turbulence hypothesis. However, it was only a triggering event. The report, under the heading â€Å"Probable Cause† placed most of the blame on the first office for his â€Å"unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs. † It goes on to say, â€Å"Contributing to these rudder pedal inputs were characteristics of the Airbus A300-600 rudder system design and elements of the American Airlines Advanced Aircraft Maneuvering Program† (NTSB 2004).The NTSB's conclusion was that the cause of the crash was the tail separating from the fuselage, which happened as a result of pilot placing loads on the tail that exceeded its ultimate limit – which in turn was an outcome of pilot’s rudder movements. He put excessive pressure on the rudder pedal in response to the wake turbulence caused by the JAL flight that preceded them. But why did the pilot move the rudder pedals as aggressively as he did? This became an issue of great controversy.The NTSB report dwells on the previously observed tendency of the first officer to place inappropriate pedal inputs, which in tandem with two other reasons, the deficient pilot training system and the defective Airbus rudder control system, resulted in a colossal disaster: The Safety Board’s investigat ion determined that three main factors influenced the first officer’s rudder use during the accident sequence: a tendency to react aggressively to wake turbulence, as evidenced by his responses to previous wake turbulence encounters; his pilot training, including the training he received at American Airlines regarding wake turbulence, upset recovery, and rudder pedal use; and the characteristics of the A300-600 rudder control system. (NTSB 2004)These findings resulted in a mammoth row between Airbus and American Airlines is –– with Airbus contending that the first officer’s inappropriate response caused because of his improper training by American Airlines, and the American Airlines contending the Airbus’ rudder pedal system unusually sensitive.The NTSB RecommendationsThe NTSB report discusses several safety issues relevant to the Flight 587 disaster, focusing on characteristics of the A300-600 rudder control system design, A300-600 rudder pedal in puts at high airspeeds, aircraft-pilot coupling, flight operations at or below an airplane’s design maneuvering speed, and upset recovery training programs. Airbus Industrie and American Airlines have acted upon industry-wide amendments to ensure safety of operation of aircraft.American Airlines continue to operate the Airbus A300, Airbus are confident of the structural and functional integrity of their plane – although many AA pilots and those of other airlines sought transfer to supposedly much more stable Boeing airplanes in the wake of the disaster. Conclusion New Yorkers may be resilient, But they have their breaking points, And they must be getting close to them. Like all of us, they want to believe That something like a shorting wire, Exploding fuel tank, or malfunctioning turbofan Is the reason at least 265 perished in Queens. – L. D. Brodsky. (2002).The biggest unresolved issue in this entire tragic episode of Flight 587 crash were the flames and the ex plosions noted by over 50% of over 400 witnesses. In its report, the NTSB attributes them to either an â€Å"initial release of fuel† or the â€Å"effects of engine compressor surges. † Both of them could have been caused due to out-of-control motion during the airplane's precipitous descent. However, one must remember that the airplane had just took over and was not at a great height, and most importantly that the witnesses observed the fire before anything else happened.In effect, the fire could not have been set off during the descent and as a result of the descent. Most of the witnesses are unequivocal about it and stand vehemently by their testimony to this day. Many quarters have felt that the NTSB prematurely declared the crash to be an accident and hastily concluded that the tail separation was the initiating event without adequate analysis of all the evidence, and especially without giving proper credence to witness testimony – and later went on to bols ter its convenient preconceived notions.Today, claims of NTSB cover-up and conspiracy theories pointing to terrorist involvement abound around this subject – making the tragedy of flight 587 a lingering mystery.References:Brodsky, L. D. (2002). Shadow War: A Poetic Chronicle of September 11 and Beyond, Volume Two. St. Louis, Missouri : Time Being Books Civil Air Patrol. Civil Air Patrol Guide to Operational Risk Management. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from www. orwg. cap. gov/Safety/CAPguidetoORM. pdf Dyer, N. (2002). The Mystery of Flight 587?What Caused the Crash of Flight 587? Science World. Feb 25 2002. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1590/is_10_58/ai_83667600Manning, S. D. (2004). American Dream, A Search for Justice. New York : A&M Publishing NTSB News (2001).American Airlines Flight 587. National Transportation and Safety Board. 12 November 2001. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. ntsb. gov/events/2001/AA587/default. htm   NTS B News. (2002).Fourth Update on NTSB Investigation into Crash of American Airlines Flight 587. National Transportation and Safety Board. January 15, 2002. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. ntsb. gov/Pressrel/2002/020115. htm NTSB. (2004).Aircraft Accident Report. National Transportation and Safety Board. October 26, 2004. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. ntsb. gov/publictn/2004/AAR0404. pdf Shields. J. (2002).SHELL Model. Josh's Little Aviation Place on the Web. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://people. aero. und. edu/~jshields/CRM/shell_model. htm